
sábado, dezembro 11, 2004

Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Energia: o Desafio Português. 

A Secção do Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Partido Socialista, em colaboração com a Secção da EDP e apoio da Juventude Socialista, irá realizar no dia 14 de Dezembro próximo, pelas 21,30h, na FAUL, sita na Rua S. Pedro de Alcântara n.º 81, em Lisboa, uma sessão de debate, aberta a independentes, sob o tema: "Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Energia: o Desafio Português", presidida pelo Deputado Pedro Silva Pereira.

Será estimado o impacto da Proposta de Directiva da Comissão e do Parlamento - COM (2003) 739 final, relativa à redução da factura energética nacional - sobre a economia portuguesa e abordadas sugestões de adequação.

Desenvolverá o tema o Eng.º Lívio Honório, especialista em Utilização Racional de Energia e autor de publicações diversas sobre o assunto, seguindo-se debate.

Cremos que a sua presença é importante para o debate que se pretende promover. Contamos, por isso, com a sua participação activa neste evento para o qual, desde já, a/o convidamos.

Aceite os nossos melhores cumprimentos e as nossas cordiais saudações socialistas.

O Secretário-Coordenador da SDS

domingo, dezembro 05, 2004

O Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Reino Unido: relatório anual de 2003. 

This is the UK Government’s fourth and last annual report on progress towards sustainable development against our 1999 sustainable development Strategy: "A better quality of life".

As well as covering some of the key developments during 2003, it also provides a stock-take and review of government action and progress since publication of the Strategy; including how we are doing against our 15 headline indicators of sustainable development. Alongside this report we are also updating our full set of 147 indicators of sustainable development: "Quality of Life Counts", which provided a baseline measurement in 1999 from which future progress would be measured.

This report also details some of the work we have been doing, within Europe and internationally, to promote and pursue sustainable development beyond our own shores. For example, taking forward the commitments from the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) remains a high priority, and the UK played a key part at the May 2003 meeting of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, which focused on monitoring progress and identifying remedial actions.

Overall, whilst celebrating our many successes, in many areas, we recognise that much more remains to be done to put the UK firmly on a path towards sustainable development; not least because the challenge facing us is so large and complex. There will be no simplistic, quick and easy solutions.

We are now taking a fresh look at the Strategy and indicators, to have a new strategy and monitoring scheme in place in early 2005. This provides an opportunity to step up action, building on the good work that has already been done by government and others, and to take into account new and challenging global commitments. A consultation process on the new strategy will soon start, so that everyone can have his or her say on how we can best move towards sustainable development in the UK.

Further information on sustainable development, and the review of the Strategy, can be found on the Government’s sustainable development website.

O Secretário-Coordenador da SDS

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